Update (2019): I’ve since released a much more powerful tool for cracking passphrases. Check it out on my GitHub page here. I’ll keep this old blog up as the output from lyricpass can be fed through the cleanup.py script and then used with the hashcat rules in the new project. Enjoy!

There’s been a lot of news in the media lately about using tools like encryption and password managers. Both of these can leverage a single password to unlock a ton of vital information. Because of this, people are looking to create longer, more complex “master keys”. This blog demonstrates a method of guessing some of those keys.

These “master keys” are for things like:

  • Unlocking their password manager
  • Decrypting their OS when booting
  • Decrypting volumes with sensitive files
  • WiFi encryption using WPA
  • etc.

I’ve noticed a trend when people are discussing new strategies here – using a string of words together, including spaces, that is easy to remember. Song lyrics come readily to mind, and it seems that a good deal of people assume these will be difficult to crack.

So What?

I wanted to create a short program to show that this type of password is also insecure. Using Python with a few simple libraries, I created this script that generates a password list based on a given artist. Discovering someone’s favorite band is pretty easy… that sort of thing is plastered all over social media, and it’s usually something people will provide when asked by anyone.

$ python ./lyricpass.py -h
usage: lyricpass.py [-h] [--lower] [--punctuation] artist output

positional arguments:
  artist         Define a specific artist for song lyric inclusion. Please
                 place the artist name in quotes.
  output         Output to file name in current directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --lower        Switches all letters to lower case.
  --punctuation  Preserves punctuation, which is removed by default.

The script currently allows a few inputs to tailor the password file, which is pure text and can be used for brute force password attacks. It will chug away and output a nice deduplicted file when it is done.


Are you using any lyric-based passwords today? Try out this script and see if it can crack yours.


This script is now linked to on WeakPass! :)